Jean-Luc Pasquet Lot 81 Journal des Kirsch N. 7 – 52,5%

159,90  inkl. MwSt.

respectively 228,43  per l

Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage innerhalb Deutschlands

With the single casks in the Journal des Kirsch series, we report on the experiences that French spirits have to offer: Excitement, surprise, great pleasure and variety. The latter is particularly true of the seventh edition: the innovative Jean-Luc Pasquet L81.

A cognac traditionally produced by the Jean-Luc Pasquet family business from Fins Bois grapes, this treasure of a spirit was transferred to a freshly emptied C<>H Hampden cask after maturing for over 40 years in French oak. The result? An unprecedented dynamic between ester and rancio notes that reaches a new level of flavour.

In return, the experimental Eau de Vie de Vin is happy to renounce its legal status as a cognac. This is reserved for brandies from the region, which are matured in French Limousin and Tronçais oak barrels or barrels pre-aged with grape products such as wine, sherry or port.

This remarkable single cask was bottled at natural cask strength and without additives in 318 bottles. At a high 52.5% vol., the interplay of French oak and Hampden cask comes into its own. Classic Rancio notes are complemented for the first time by ester notes characteristic of the Jamaican rum icon, which lend fruity and tropical accents.

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