Jamaican Blend 2002 Wu DRAM Clan – 66,3%

274,90  inkl. MwSt.

respectively 549,80  per l

Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage innerhalb Deutschlands

The Wu DRAM Clan created this 2002 Jamaican blend together with the independent bottler “Old Brothers” from Toulouse (France).
This funky rum with 66.3% vol. was bottled from the Marks MLC/HJF brand. The RUM was stored in the tropics for 17 years before being allowed to mature in Europe for another 1.5 years. It then found its way into Dame Jeanne’s for minimal oxidation, something we often like to see in Scotch – that’s how the “old bottle flavor” is packed into the bottle.

Ester: 585 g/hlap
100% pot still
Ex-bourbon cask
Without filtering
Natural colour
20 fermentation

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